Thursday, March 25, 2010


Speech problems "back whom the UFO" of course we will discuss what is called "alien". Alien is clearly alien and non-human. Many questions raised about the problem alien (UFO), such as:

  1. Where they come from?
  2. Have any kind of alien?
  3. What are they good or bad?
  4. Why do they often kidnap human?
  5. What is the purpose of their people?
  6. Are alien connection with human history?
  7. How the prophets menubuatkan alien problem is?
  8. What do alien (UFO) with prophecies about the End Times?

UFO or alien discuss the question is not easy. Why difficult? Because Obyek / subjects studied did not have in front of us and we can not come to one's asked us. Penampakan UFO reports or meeting people with alien, is also often questionable. Even the fall of the UFO incident in Roswell in 1947 where there are 4 alien (2 dead, 1 run and shot by a tension that forces, and another door and eventually died in hospital) in the autopsy by the Militer (AU) U.S.. But everything is covered and not considered. Official reports from the government but a balon percobaan U.S. called Skyhook. But the public is not easy to just believe and then was born the theory of "Alien Conspiracy".

Indonesia often enough dilewati including UFO, and many reports have also recorded cases of people who kidnapped Indonesia UFO. But of course return to the question, whether it can be trusted? The report was authored able, photos can really direkayasa, any proof can be made. For those who believe, little evidence is enough. For the skeptics, he needs proof of a truly scientific and can dipertanggung jawabkan. For the fanatical anti-people, as proof of any amount will not change attitudes.

Of difficulties that have, seem to learn many UFO obstruction. No one book can be scientifically tested and true. On the other hand, there is not one of the religious leaders to state his opinion about the UFO / alien. Although in 1979 the UN had discussed the UFO problem seriously, but it did not have serious repercussions. World more busy with war, political problems, disease and economic crisis, rather than learn guest who comes to our world today ...

With the constraints of data sources to study the UFO / alien, then studied in the past existence of UFO, UFO researchers using referensi of ancient books, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, including sacred scriptures. One of the researchers is the famous Erich von Däniken. Däniken theory is our ancestors had previously come by intelligent beings from space who are considered gods by the people.

The problem is, using data sourced from ancient scriptures, mythology and scripture, will not be accepted by those who spektis. However, I want to apply a variety of data that I collect, both stories of experiences a person who saw the UFO or alien, and from various other information, including sacred scriptures.

Where they come from?

Here I always write the UFO as being "alien" instead of "ET or ETI. Why? Because ET is the abbreviation of Extra Terrestrial Inteligence, namely intelligent beings from outside the earth. By using the term alien ", I did not close the possibility that they came from earth or other dimensions.

Some possible answers to the above questions are:

a. Outside space
b. From future
c. From the earth
d. From another dimension

a. Is it possible they are from outside of space?

Estimates that the alien came from space is very likely, but there is some peculiarity or kejanggalan when they really come from outside space. Eccentricity is:

  • Radar we never mendeteksi there spaceship entering atmosfir earth.
  • Surya tata star nearest to us is Alpha Centauri, is 4.3 light-years apart. This means that what we see today is what happened 4.3 years ago. Fly with speed of light is still the scientific fiction. For a trip that fast enough for the UFO will take thousands of years to reach earth.
  • Which is strange, even though there are thousands of witnesses saw UFO state each year, but there is no picture in exactly the same UFO. Certainly very difficult to be conceived when their outside space with so many different types of aircraft ends and running zig-zag on the space every day.
  • UFO phenomenon in the airport gravitasi often do not follow the law and aerodinamika, is not if they are really from outer space, the laws fisika it is happening for them?
  • There is no evidence that they originated from a particular planet.
  • Some of those relating to (contact) with the alien, often get lessons about spirituality, Filosofi, a reminder about the dangers Nuklir, etc.. What is the alien who came from far away, came to earth only to teach people philosophy?

There is also convinced that they are still coming from outside of space technology such majunya not seen by the human mind.

b. Them from possible future?

What UFO like the time machine from the future? People who believe that the
time machine can (may) be made to accept the theoretical possibility of
this. But I ignore this theory because of considerations:

  • Some saw the report stated that most alien form of their non-human (human) or strange and sometimes terrifying.
  • Interfensi creatures from the future can cause theory "parallel universe". If they are true of the future, then of course they do not currently have. But if they come from the future and appear at this time, it means that something is "unique" and "amazing".
  • If they really from the future, for what they do against human abduction (alien abduction)?

c. Would they of the earth?

If the possibility of them from the earth, of course, must also questionable, namely:

  1. whether man-made?
  2. what made the non-human type spesiesnya yet we know so far?

Possibility that the UFO is man-made suspicious when viewing the facts:

  • This phenomenon of human abduction by a UFO.
  • UFO has been seen, even before people could make aircraft.
  • UFO aircraft often outside the laws gravitasi, and aerodinamika.

Made possible non-human from the earth, to see if the suspicious facts:

  • UFO aircraft often outside the laws gravitasi and aerodinamika.
  • Where are they located? (This really can be answered: at the bottom of the sea, in the polar region is not inhabited people, in the / earth cavity-cavity)
  • Why is there a time zero, where the first alien said in antiquity often back and forth between people, and a new start now active again?

d. Is it possible they are from another dimension?

Of course if the third possibility above ignored because sanggahan
or thought suspicious, then the last option is the fourth,
namely: Is it possible they are from another dimension?

Theories about alien from another dimension by enough dianut among ufologi (not all). Some data support are:

  • Explains UFO phenomenon appears and disappear abruptly.
  • Not follow the laws fisika in the human dimension.
  • The existence of telepathy or through contact with several people who dream felt establish communication (contact) with the alien.
  • Alien abduction cases often occur at the time of sacrifice sleep.
  • They can not freely interact with humans because of different dimensions. To interact in the human dimension, they need platforms (containers) people. This explains the theory of alien abduction and hybrid manufacturing, where there is also the "soul abduction".

If they come from another dimension, who they? The only explanation of the scriptures, namely the Qur'an stating that the earth is inhabited by other people, also inhabited by the jinn who are in another dimension. A fact that in Indonesia simply recognize that this phenomenon jin, actually having a common nature, namely the jinn like to kidnapping (both adults and children), in which victims often are in a place that he does not want to come back (as wine) , but also some successful run or work issued / returned by the help of another person with the power of God.

What are jinn have the technology? Get the dimensions of the existence of other intelligent beings called jinn was accepted by the modern human mind? And what is the phenomenon of the jinn is the UFO phenomena emerged recently after long vacuum?

Question jinn speak, may not be separated from a possibility that there are good jinn and the evil jinn. Opinion of many people is that the jinn do not want to interfere with a good business man, but the evil jinn (devil with the leaders of Satan / Lucifer), like human affairs interfere and mislead people work. This may explain:

  • Why not just aliens attacking humans (fire and destroyed) because their purpose is not to kill but misleading?
  • Emergence of alien lately because of what they did given the opportunity by God to mislead people on the day by the end of the age?

Can be trusted there other dimensions?

Believe alien from another planet is far easier than convinced that they come from another dimension. However, the existence of other dimensions seems not so easily ignored it. Many stories fiction writers, whether from age or first date, using the theme of life in these other dimensions, such as:

  • Odyssey (travel stories Ullyses)
  • Sinbad, the sailors
  • Christmas Carol
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Legend Nyai Loro Kidul

But of course, all that can still be considered a story. So far, several scientific experiments that involve other dimensions of the problem is:

  • Philadelphia experiment, namely percobaan about space and time. To learn about this experiment at a glance, click: here (in Indonesia)
  • Research of several paranormal events, such as nde (Near Death Experience), OBE (Out of Body Experience) or Astral Traveling, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), dreams, etc..

Phenomena-phenomena that involve other dimensions are:

  • Confidence that people have souls
  • Confidence that the human spirit still alive even though his body died
  • Confidence and there is incarnation reinkarnasi
  • Humans have "sixth sense"
  • Appearance of spirits, ghost, jinn, etc.
  • Bermuda Triangle mystery.

Possible scientific explanation for the approach of other dimensions are the existence of their (alien) is the spectrum who can not afford to be perceived by human senses, for example, limited ability pengelihatan human and can not see infrared light and ultra violet. Likewise, humans can not hear ultra-sonic and infrasonic. However, some animals have the ability to sense a broader spectrum / with different people, for example kelelawar Ultrasonic waves can hear, some animals can mengindera presence of "spirits", there are animals that can be mengindera earthquake, etc..

Humans also have sixth senses, the senses, but unfortunately this has not been developed by all people. With this sixth sense, intuition and man can do antisipasi.

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