Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mosque stand-bomb attacks and earthquakes!

"Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Regarding the article on the story isuhangatmosque tsunami survivors from yesterday, I was buzzing about a person who tells about themosque that survived the earthquake in Japan. Once I found the mosque membrowsing stated that the mosque inKobe Japan,

but the information I can be more shocking and show the power of God Almighty. Kobe Mosque inJapan are not only resistant to earthquake shaking, but the mosque survived the atomic bomb! Praise be to God!

Kobe Mosque was the first mosque in Japan. The mosque was built in 1928 in Nakayamate Dori, Chuo-ku.

In 1945, Japan's second world war. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour port in the United States has made the U.S. government decided to drop the first atomic bomb in world history.

Japan already surrendered, the Japanese army in Malaya was also involved in the same home. Two cities, Nagasaki and Hiroshima was bombed with atomic bombs by the United States. During this time, Kobe has not left the city to receive as a result.Can be said for Kobe to golf course distance terkukur.

When the buildings destroyed in the vicinity, Kobe Muslim Mosque still standing upright. The mosque is just suffered a fracture on the outside wall and broke all the glass windows. The exterior of the mosque
a bit dark because the smoke bomb. Japanese troops take refuge in the cellar of the mosque bomb threats, as well as the weapons are hidden. The mosque is a place of refugees and war victims.

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait contributed funds in the amount of the big overhaul. Glass-glass windows broken glass was replaced with a new window that comes straight from Germany. A new decorative lights hanging in the middle of the main prayer room. Room temperature control system is placed in the mosque.

School was destroyed by the war again restored and some additional buildings started to be built. Muslims return to enjoy their religious activities in Kobe Mosque.

The financial crisis is often crowding the mosque committee members. Building a high tax to the mosque committee to produce enough of saving costs. Many donations given to solve the financial problems of development and modify the mosque. Kobe Mosque to make its contribution is growing.

In 1995, the strength of Kobe Mosque was tested again with the most devastating earthquakes. Precisely at 5:46 am, Tuesday, January 17, 1995. This earthquake is not only against Kobe, but also surrounding areas such as South Hyogo, Hyogo-ken Nanbu, and others.

Although only valid for 20 seconds, the earthquake killed a total of 6.433 people, mainly the people of Kobe city. Besides Kobe earthquake also caused substantial damage to the town covering 20 km from the epicenter.

The earthquake was the second worst earthquake in Japan after the Hanshin-Awaji great earthquake was Japan's worst since the great Kanto earthquake of 1923 killed 140,000 people.

But until now Kobe mosque stood strong and upright, even if not bergoyah dilanyak from various disasters. May the message of Islam in Japan seteguh mosque.

A picture of Kobe now.

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Kobe Japan Kobe Mosque

Obama pictures from small child....


Obama is more liked by people in the developing world against Bush and other former U.S. president. Perhaps because of his dark skin coat. Although How was never expected Obama to be lenient with Muslims even though not as bad as Bush. He still does not call for U.S. troops in Iraq and continue to fight the Zionists collaborated with the Palestinians and Muslims continue to hunt terrorists diaorang said.

Some say he is so Jewish, he said there are ni illumminati (devotees of the devil), so we do not have to want a general la-parliamentary representatives is he is so right. Jer just love to share, pictures of Obama's journey of his life quite a bit of a colorful former U.S. President, all of which are derived from the U.S.. So do not be so pessimistic, if I have photos of Dato 'Seri Najib from childhood until now were I want to share, so if any pictures Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Aziz.

Obama's mother was named Stanley Ann, a graduate of Washington High School, then studied at the University of Hawaii, and there met Barack Obama Sr. (Obama's father).

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Obama's childhood and lived in Hawaii until the age of 6 years. In 1967, his mother remarried and the family moved to Indonesia.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

This picture was taken when Obama met with his last time in Hawaii in 1972 after his parents divorced. His father and then to Kenya and worked for U.S. oil company and died in 1982 at the age of 46 years since a car accident.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Obama with his half sister Maya Soetoro and his grandfather Stanley Dunham. His mother (Ann) married Lolo Soetoro and was born Maya Soetoro. Pictures taken at the 1970 Hawaii. Ann returned to Hawaii in 1974-1977, then returned to Indonesia

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Together with her step father, Lolo Soetoro.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Together with the grandfather and grandmother at Columbia University, New York in 1980. When her mother lived in Indonesia, Obama stayed in Hawaii and raised by a grandfather and grandmother.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Obama at the University.
U.S. President Barrack Obama

Obama posing with his brother in Kenya.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Together with her step grandmother in Kenya, Sarah Obama in 1995.
U.S. President Barrack Obama

Together with his girlfreind at that time, Michelle in 1992 in Hawaii during the day Krismas. They met in 1980 and married in 1992.

U.S. President Barrack Obama

When elected as President of the United States to 44

U.S. President Barrack Obama

U.S. President Barrack Obama

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Speech problems "back whom the UFO" of course we will discuss what is called "alien". Alien is clearly alien and non-human. Many questions raised about the problem alien (UFO), such as:

  1. Where they come from?
  2. Have any kind of alien?
  3. What are they good or bad?
  4. Why do they often kidnap human?
  5. What is the purpose of their people?
  6. Are alien connection with human history?
  7. How the prophets menubuatkan alien problem is?
  8. What do alien (UFO) with prophecies about the End Times?

UFO or alien discuss the question is not easy. Why difficult? Because Obyek / subjects studied did not have in front of us and we can not come to one's asked us. Penampakan UFO reports or meeting people with alien, is also often questionable. Even the fall of the UFO incident in Roswell in 1947 where there are 4 alien (2 dead, 1 run and shot by a tension that forces, and another door and eventually died in hospital) in the autopsy by the Militer (AU) U.S.. But everything is covered and not considered. Official reports from the government but a balon percobaan U.S. called Skyhook. But the public is not easy to just believe and then was born the theory of "Alien Conspiracy".

Indonesia often enough dilewati including UFO, and many reports have also recorded cases of people who kidnapped Indonesia UFO. But of course return to the question, whether it can be trusted? The report was authored able, photos can really direkayasa, any proof can be made. For those who believe, little evidence is enough. For the skeptics, he needs proof of a truly scientific and can dipertanggung jawabkan. For the fanatical anti-people, as proof of any amount will not change attitudes.

Of difficulties that have, seem to learn many UFO obstruction. No one book can be scientifically tested and true. On the other hand, there is not one of the religious leaders to state his opinion about the UFO / alien. Although in 1979 the UN had discussed the UFO problem seriously, but it did not have serious repercussions. World more busy with war, political problems, disease and economic crisis, rather than learn guest who comes to our world today ...

With the constraints of data sources to study the UFO / alien, then studied in the past existence of UFO, UFO researchers using referensi of ancient books, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, including sacred scriptures. One of the researchers is the famous Erich von Däniken. Däniken theory is our ancestors had previously come by intelligent beings from space who are considered gods by the people.

The problem is, using data sourced from ancient scriptures, mythology and scripture, will not be accepted by those who spektis. However, I want to apply a variety of data that I collect, both stories of experiences a person who saw the UFO or alien, and from various other information, including sacred scriptures.

Where they come from?

Here I always write the UFO as being "alien" instead of "ET or ETI. Why? Because ET is the abbreviation of Extra Terrestrial Inteligence, namely intelligent beings from outside the earth. By using the term alien ", I did not close the possibility that they came from earth or other dimensions.

Some possible answers to the above questions are:

a. Outside space
b. From future
c. From the earth
d. From another dimension

a. Is it possible they are from outside of space?

Estimates that the alien came from space is very likely, but there is some peculiarity or kejanggalan when they really come from outside space. Eccentricity is:

  • Radar we never mendeteksi there spaceship entering atmosfir earth.
  • Surya tata star nearest to us is Alpha Centauri, is 4.3 light-years apart. This means that what we see today is what happened 4.3 years ago. Fly with speed of light is still the scientific fiction. For a trip that fast enough for the UFO will take thousands of years to reach earth.
  • Which is strange, even though there are thousands of witnesses saw UFO state each year, but there is no picture in exactly the same UFO. Certainly very difficult to be conceived when their outside space with so many different types of aircraft ends and running zig-zag on the space every day.
  • UFO phenomenon in the airport gravitasi often do not follow the law and aerodinamika, is not if they are really from outer space, the laws fisika it is happening for them?
  • There is no evidence that they originated from a particular planet.
  • Some of those relating to (contact) with the alien, often get lessons about spirituality, Filosofi, a reminder about the dangers Nuklir, etc.. What is the alien who came from far away, came to earth only to teach people philosophy?

There is also convinced that they are still coming from outside of space technology such majunya not seen by the human mind.

b. Them from possible future?

What UFO like the time machine from the future? People who believe that the
time machine can (may) be made to accept the theoretical possibility of
this. But I ignore this theory because of considerations:

  • Some saw the report stated that most alien form of their non-human (human) or strange and sometimes terrifying.
  • Interfensi creatures from the future can cause theory "parallel universe". If they are true of the future, then of course they do not currently have. But if they come from the future and appear at this time, it means that something is "unique" and "amazing".
  • If they really from the future, for what they do against human abduction (alien abduction)?

c. Would they of the earth?

If the possibility of them from the earth, of course, must also questionable, namely:

  1. whether man-made?
  2. what made the non-human type spesiesnya yet we know so far?

Possibility that the UFO is man-made suspicious when viewing the facts:

  • This phenomenon of human abduction by a UFO.
  • UFO has been seen, even before people could make aircraft.
  • UFO aircraft often outside the laws gravitasi, and aerodinamika.

Made possible non-human from the earth, to see if the suspicious facts:

  • UFO aircraft often outside the laws gravitasi and aerodinamika.
  • Where are they located? (This really can be answered: at the bottom of the sea, in the polar region is not inhabited people, in the / earth cavity-cavity)
  • Why is there a time zero, where the first alien said in antiquity often back and forth between people, and a new start now active again?

d. Is it possible they are from another dimension?

Of course if the third possibility above ignored because sanggahan
or thought suspicious, then the last option is the fourth,
namely: Is it possible they are from another dimension?

Theories about alien from another dimension by enough dianut among ufologi (not all). Some data support are:

  • Explains UFO phenomenon appears and disappear abruptly.
  • Not follow the laws fisika in the human dimension.
  • The existence of telepathy or through contact with several people who dream felt establish communication (contact) with the alien.
  • Alien abduction cases often occur at the time of sacrifice sleep.
  • They can not freely interact with humans because of different dimensions. To interact in the human dimension, they need platforms (containers) people. This explains the theory of alien abduction and hybrid manufacturing, where there is also the "soul abduction".

If they come from another dimension, who they? The only explanation of the scriptures, namely the Qur'an stating that the earth is inhabited by other people, also inhabited by the jinn who are in another dimension. A fact that in Indonesia simply recognize that this phenomenon jin, actually having a common nature, namely the jinn like to kidnapping (both adults and children), in which victims often are in a place that he does not want to come back (as wine) , but also some successful run or work issued / returned by the help of another person with the power of God.

What are jinn have the technology? Get the dimensions of the existence of other intelligent beings called jinn was accepted by the modern human mind? And what is the phenomenon of the jinn is the UFO phenomena emerged recently after long vacuum?

Question jinn speak, may not be separated from a possibility that there are good jinn and the evil jinn. Opinion of many people is that the jinn do not want to interfere with a good business man, but the evil jinn (devil with the leaders of Satan / Lucifer), like human affairs interfere and mislead people work. This may explain:

  • Why not just aliens attacking humans (fire and destroyed) because their purpose is not to kill but misleading?
  • Emergence of alien lately because of what they did given the opportunity by God to mislead people on the day by the end of the age?

Can be trusted there other dimensions?

Believe alien from another planet is far easier than convinced that they come from another dimension. However, the existence of other dimensions seems not so easily ignored it. Many stories fiction writers, whether from age or first date, using the theme of life in these other dimensions, such as:

  • Odyssey (travel stories Ullyses)
  • Sinbad, the sailors
  • Christmas Carol
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Legend Nyai Loro Kidul

But of course, all that can still be considered a story. So far, several scientific experiments that involve other dimensions of the problem is:

  • Philadelphia experiment, namely percobaan about space and time. To learn about this experiment at a glance, click: here (in Indonesia)
  • Research of several paranormal events, such as nde (Near Death Experience), OBE (Out of Body Experience) or Astral Traveling, ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), dreams, etc..

Phenomena-phenomena that involve other dimensions are:

  • Confidence that people have souls
  • Confidence that the human spirit still alive even though his body died
  • Confidence and there is incarnation reinkarnasi
  • Humans have "sixth sense"
  • Appearance of spirits, ghost, jinn, etc.
  • Bermuda Triangle mystery.

Possible scientific explanation for the approach of other dimensions are the existence of their (alien) is the spectrum who can not afford to be perceived by human senses, for example, limited ability pengelihatan human and can not see infrared light and ultra violet. Likewise, humans can not hear ultra-sonic and infrasonic. However, some animals have the ability to sense a broader spectrum / with different people, for example kelelawar Ultrasonic waves can hear, some animals can mengindera presence of "spirits", there are animals that can be mengindera earthquake, etc..

Humans also have sixth senses, the senses, but unfortunately this has not been developed by all people. With this sixth sense, intuition and man can do antisipasi.

Tim Winter white scholars

Tim Winter white scholars

Islamic Center of London which has always been a focus of worship and community activities also provide social. - Preview decorations

White people from Europe, especially the unbelievers are often proud of the Anglo Saxon blood flowing in their bodies.

However, for Tim Winter or real name Timothy John Winter of Anglo Saxon descent without acknowledging that he actually shrink the Anglo-Muslim descent. It effects directly as soon as he converted to Islam about 1970 years ago.

Anglo Muslim?

This is actually not strange because if we go back to the 18th century, England has existed around the communities known as the Muslim Anglo or Anglo-Mohammedan.

Growing number of them and is now estimated there are more than 100,000 people white United Kingdom (UK) Muslim either converts or descendants.

If the revised history, Islam is not a new religion among the white people. Perhaps most of their ancestors first Muslim.

Not even Muslims, Christians that they anuti enough different aspects of worship, practice and teaching.

As recognized by the team, his grandfather was the last descendant of generations of his family who acknowledge the truth of Christianity.

"I never touched Datuk holy water to the end of his life," he said.

He is now white Islamic scholars who are well known.

"Mengimbau era where young people sit semeja while drinking their coffee and talk about what the meaning of life, actually identifying where we are and where orientation towards life.

"All that is ostensibly answered when choosing how many friends among the living hippie but also many who continue to reside in India who allegedly promised a full life with the eastern tradition, exotic and middle class," he said.

However, he did not like his friends but prefer to go to West Asia, or more accurately, Islam.

"I chose something radically different than traditional religion or race India Zen Buddhism.

"I do not need a religion that odd or exotic, and I also do not aim to seek a new identity for themselves," he said.

What is for sure, Tim no longer visit because the church can not accept the concepts highlighted.

Asked whether the concept is not reasonable to be let alone without a lot of questions, he replied: "Notes about Jesus as can be seen from the two forms. That as he was told in the history and stories in his new agreement.

"But whether Jesus is told by two sources that are from the same individual?

"This is because from both the same and no different.

Furthermore, he did not have enough capacity to have a strong belief in the doctrines of the abstract.

"As far I understand, Jesus is ultimatumnya teachers to the Jews who bring the message of the Gospel of Hebrews that big man can be acceptable in the sight of god above god power which has the power to mengampun," he said.

Teams ready for God to bless life mengampun and slaves without any problems, a far cry from sacrifice of the results of any party.

"For me the highest degree of monotheism to god and I find it to be the main teachings of Islam," he said.

Among other causes the team to attract not only the Islamic content of the Qur'an but would also strain reading holy verses that describe him like a hammer and a magnetic attraction to him to approach and subsequent love of Islam.

"Ever while in Cairo Egypt, I have time to count by 38 stores to install recording simultaneously reading the Quran here and there, throughout the day.

"The first time experiencing such a situation, the oscillation al-Quran reading various types of songs that make it 'real' favorite.

"In fact I do not doubt that it is an Islamic art very great," he said.

But basically converted to Islam after studying the team and to compare various religious philosophy and theology and he could not find a religion that so perfectly good, non-Muslims.

Based on the knowledge that is more appropriate if placed tidk team name or Islamnya Dr. Abdul Hakim Murad as a brother Muslim. Reason, knowledge about Islam exactly he was born and raised in Islam, too broad and deep.

Born in 1960, he holds a first class degree in Arabic from Cambridge University in 1983.

Interest and his love of Islam, Abdul Hakim team or connect on Islamic studies at the University of Al Azhar, Egypt.

He returned to England in 1989 to continue studies at the University of London for study in Turkey and Persia.

Now he is Shaykh Zayed lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Faculty Diviniti Cambridge University, is also a Director of Studies of Theology at Wolfson College and recently received a doctorate from Oxford University.

When he mentions the Anglo Saxon descent, according to Abdul Hakim is also Director of the Organization known the Anglo Muslim Fellowship for Eastern Europe and held various positions in the academic world and non-governmental organizations based on Islam.

Of course, Abdul Hakim contribute a very large in the Islamic world by writing books, journals, articles, lectures, panel forums on various topics that are affecting the world and knowledge of Islam.

Interestingly, between his white first venerated scriptures translated into English as, The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife (Cambridge 1989) by Imam Al Ghazali.

Wisdom huge team when he embraced Islam is the ability to spread Islam preached, especially in those with a type.

Description dakwahnya be more effective because he understood so the question of language and culture in their country themselves.

Arguments are concise and pithy always given in the context of the relationship of Islam and the West (Christianity), da'wah, streams such as Wahabi, Sunni, Shi'a and politics.

Similarly, when interested in an article, Abdul Hakim write about some of the weaknesses of Muslims rather unique.

"Until the 18th century, many scholars believe that publishing involves printing is illegal person.

"This is when they believe the texts that involve religion is too sacred to be printed and reproduced printed multiple times.

"For if they want to be written must be written by hand slowly and with a full sense of love with the writings and artistic calligraphy or khat dibukukan with art, also in hand," he said.

Similarly, the collapse of the government or the Islamic Ottoman empire at the beginning of the 19th century that caused many area Muslims fell into the hands of foreign, especially Russian.

Many historians acknowledge the Russian victory in that the enemy has caused a high discipline and even more modern military equipment and added to that period.

While the Islamic parties, they believe victory can be achieved only through 'faith' without the need to change the war strategy there.

"They also believe that if the supplied weapons such as guns, which fire towards the enemy from a distance is considered as a cowardly act against sword fight with the enemy while eye gaze then regarded as genuine heroes," he said.

Actually read about Dr.. Abdul Murad, a lot of knowledge that can be taken and lessons learned.

However, if the opportunity to hear themselves talk and see their presence is better.

Hence, the good news he will present to this country at 27 to March 29 is brought to you by Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) through the wing, the Islamic Outreach them.

Located in the Silver Jubilee Hall Auditorium Hall, Shah Alam, Selangor, Dr. Abdul Hakim Murad will deliver a lecture on March 27 this.

Contact 0342569822 for more information online program. Do not miss this great opportunity!

Zee Avi is international

Zee Avi is international

GAYA presentation Zee Avi played in during his first concert in KL Live Center, Kuala Lumpur, last Saturday night.

Thanks to modern technology the world today that has made this popular young man in the twinkling of an eye.

Not doubt, YouTube in particular is a major access today in an effort to identify new talent that no one thought has its own privileges.

That's what happened to the self-Zee Avi or real name, Team Alirahmanmake her a successful country in the international art stage.

While the name has been building at the international desire many children who become art in this country, but for the Zee Avi, popularity is not much to change her life.

In a special press conference held at the Hard Rock Cafe, Kuala Lumpur, last Monday evening, Zee Avi does not feel himself has changed his name even now known by the world community.

"In terms of work, is my invitation to meet increasingly busy singing, but as an individual, I am still the same person.

"I am fortunate to work with as many talented people and understand what I wanted through my music.

"It was my goal from the beginning again to share my music with everyone," said 23-year-old girl who was menggalas responsibility not only as singers but also composers and lyrics writers.

Also present at the press conference was Director of Sales, Universal Music Malaysia, Michael Chi.

In the function, Zee Avi received a gold award in the successful debut album, which recorded sales of 7.500 copies in this country.

Besides Malaysia, Gold award for album also recorded in Singapore and Taiwan and now the Universal Music is trying to get slot Zee Avi presentation was in conjunction with Anugerah Industri Muzik Ke-17 on May 2 this.

Zee Avi visit to Malaysia is the first concert in conjunction with the new Live Center held in KL, Kuala Lumpur on Friday night and has invited the 3.000 visitors.

What a proud, all the pieces of 3.000 tickets to see all the concerts sold out within two days.

Stories Zee Avi art career was dealt to attract luck and indeed is one aspect in determining the success of an artist is.

Who thought, in September 2007, with only a record for a friend who happened to witness the performances could not have been life-changing Zee Avi total.

It is good luck to the child's birth side Miri, Sarawak was when he received a positive response from visitors to the popular website.

String of success that has led to further Zee Avi nyanyiannya and upload videos from there, talents began detected by drummer group The Raconteurs, Patrick Keeler along with manager, Ian Montone.

View special talents in themselves that is Zee Avi, Montone then promote music videos Zee Avi Emmett Malloy who continue to take to become a recording artist under the company's Brushfire Records.

If you have no idea, Brushfire Records is a recording company owned by a singer and composer United States (U.S.), Jack Johnson.

Prior to recording albums perdananya, Zee Avi first steal public attention through a song No Christmas For Me is loaded in the album This Warm December: A Brushfire Holiday.

Date May 19, 2009 will continue to be own history Zee Avi was when her first album which also raised the commercial name began to be marketed.

Bet acoustic pop music and jazz, the album Zee Avi has opened the eyes of the international community that the local children from Malaysia also has a talent on par with the singer outside the country.

Based on the report issued by Nielsen SoundScan, the album continues to occupy the first place-130 in the chart Billboard Hot 200 in the first week in the U.S. market.

Only within the first two weeks alone, the album was also recorded sales of 6,000 copies.

At the same time, the album was also ranked number two in the chart Billboard Top Heatseekers.

Until now, the album Zee Avi respectively have been sold by 5.000 and 300,000 copies in the U.S. and around the world.

More encouraging, the album was also chosen as one of the 10 best albums of the year 2009 bythe Associated Press (AP) where the album ranked ninth.

Zee Avi said, at first, his parents want him to be a lawyer but as the blood flow in itself is art, then Terpaksalah parents comply with the requirements of their children.

Let alone, his own singing has advantages in addition to playing musical instruments such as double bass, Accordion, fiddle and guitar with the splendiferous.

Born in the family and Malay Muslims, who speak Zee Avi entirely in English during the press conference was also told he made the life experiences as inspiration to produce music.

"My life is colorful that I made as a guide to produce songs that are contained in my first album.

"For the next project, I do not want to hurry to produce the second album because I have a distinctive way of working.

"It began with shadows in my mind, then I will translate on paper and so on, I will start a new write.

"You need to keep waiting to look forward from my second album," he said, now resides in Brooklyn, USA with his family.

At the same time, singer Bitter Heart, Kantoi and Honey Bee is also not refuse to collaborate with new talent in this country if given the opportunity.

In fact, Zee Avi also praised the new talent and new lease menyifatkannya as to the local music industry.

Also reported, with the technology today, it indirectly can highlight the hidden talents that can not be known to the public.

"In those who have felt the talent, do not hesitate to pursue interests and highlight what is in yourself to the audience.

"This will not happen if you do not try it yourself and I believe in this country many new talents who have the talent capable of polished.

"I own it still does not believe in what I enjoyed today and I will not forget to order families who want to express my Lirboyo the earth," he said, will continue as long as his life berkarya conceived body.

Rasiskah Utusan Malaysia?

Rasiskah Utusan Malaysia?

Today this (Wednesday, March 24, 2010) newspaper Utusan Malaysia publish a report on Members of Parliament statement Bagan Lim Guan Eng that mention in the House of Commons yesterday that Utusan Malaysia is a newspaper that Rasis.

This is a very serious allegation that his statement as involving a newspaper representing the views and voices of the Malays have followers and supporters of its own.

However, authors are grateful because there are among the Members of Parliament who rise to defend Utusan Malaysia in the halls of the noble.

This shows that although Utusan Malaysi a deemed Rasis, there is still among us who do not agree with these views.

But what purpose he mentioned and claimed that the newspaper Utusan Malaysia newspaper Rasis in a hall that is noble?

Is it possible because he knew that whatever statement he was in the hall not be liable to action because it is immune from national legislation?

If he truly believes that The Star newspaper that a Rasis, Sukalah author would like to hear him repeat the statement outside the hall.

If he does not want to do so, we must ask whether in reality simply a political strategy to generate hate to Utusan Malaysia, or whether he acted because really confident with the belief that The Staris a newspaper that Rasis?

Authors anticipate that this situation is actually more to antagonize people of Utusan Malaysia.

Opposition know that The Star is a newspaper that never tired fight for the rights of the Malays and always reminds the Malays that caught Siaga tactics with fine any party that want to eliminate their rights.

Estimates on the opposition, if the main voice of the Malays was erased from the memory box of the Malays, the more they mudahlah terleka and efforts to eliminate the privileges of the Malays is more easily achieved.

But The Star newspaper which is not an easily removed in such a way because it has a long history of struggle.

So, the most effective measures is to instill seedlings hatred of the Malays and Malaysians in particular of this historic newspaper.

But slogans like Rasis, rigid, cheats and others dilemparkan to Utusan Malaysia so little of nausea and irritated that the Malays can be caused be forced apologetik its own right when talking about the already enshrined in the Constitution of Malaysia.

So where rasisnya Utusan Malaysia if what is expressed in context of the Constitution? Or whether the statement actually Guan Eng protect his true feelings that the Malaysian Constitution also actually Rasis?

Guan Eng should clarify his statement that the Malays and Malaysians to understand what is actually hovering in the box thought.

This is because if the DAP Secretary-General believed that the Constitution of Malaysia is a constitutional Rasis, then terbuktilah to us that the opposition claims that they will continue to defend the rights of the Malays if the authority is the stage for power alone.

If, Lim Guan Eng also stated otherwise, that he was confident that the Constitution does not Rasis, so why would Utusan Malaysia defend the rights of the Malays according to Constitutional principles stamped as Rasis?

If both these situations occur, then wajarlah Guan Eng apologize to Utusan Malaysia for misleading people by using the immunities of the House of Commons as a weapon.

If he still insist and do not want to apologize, authors propose that he be referred to the Committee on Rights and Privileges of Parliament, so that in future all parties realize the noble hall is not a place to sow turmoil and antagonize people.

Writer is Malaysia Youth Council

Mighty, Ibrahim and the Malay

Mighty, Ibrahim and the Malay-Utusan Malaysia (Awang Selamat)

The opening of the first general meeting of the Organization of Malaysia Pribumi Mighty (Mighty) scheduled on March 27 this suddenly an issue.

Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Shah who initially agreed to officiate the meeting, has canceled his intention. According to a statement Palace Bangkok, cancellation to avoid controversy and manipulation of certain parties.

Development makes it particularly Mighty president, Ibrahim Ali startled. Raise more sense is not easy Mighty newspaper reports The Sun claimed that the Sultan of Selangor had advised Mighty to reduce ultra-Malay attitude.

In reaction, Selangor Sultan Ibrahim denied any mention it in the meeting with him.

Awang sympathize with what fate Mighty. Volume championing the interests of Islam and Malays in the country's constitutional framework, get resistance from many parties, especially non-Malays.

Parties supported by the fine play by the opposition movement called Mighty sentiment ultra-Malay, Rasis, cauvinis various labels and more. Even the leaders of DAP and blog news portalMalaysiakini, have written that described the birth as the Mighty Ones. Their strategy is to weaken the Mighty, who is now getting widespread support for the Malay community. Indeed there are those who do not want to be as strong as the Malay NGOs Mighty. In them, why not if NGOs are not great but Malay Malay NGOs must be weak. If non-Malay NGOs and Rasis become so influential, it is common to the demands. Mighty strange new age a year corn is seen as a threat.

Awang'd like to ask all, who is the most powerful and forward to defend the sovereignty of the king Malay institutions when insulted, if not the Mighty. Where is the voice of NGOs and non-Malay owners-owners wealthy Malay Rulers when challenged?

When people fall down not sure, who is without fear and consistently defend the interests of Malay various parties after being tackled during the General Election-12, if not the Mighty.

Who is carrying a lot of contempt for the dignity of Islam from the corner if not Mighty, several Islamic NGOs and other Malay.

Who becomes a shield to defend the constitution of the challenged and rewritten, if not the NGOs such as Mighty. Mighty fact under the leadership of Ibrahim sparked new confidence among the Malays.

Do not forget Mighty service. Get stuck with the trick, there are organizations that want to criticize the motives that actually easier to understand.

Indeed, Awang very thankful and grateful because the Mighty and several other NGOs have helped save Malay Malay political backbone in this country result from a conspiracy collapsed large effect last general election, which almost reached the summit.

That makes Mighty very special. But the council on March 27 will be fixed means for the Malays. Moreover the presence of statesman, Dr.. Mahathir Mohamad who will replace merasmikannya Sultan Selangor. More than 10,000 expected to attend the ceremony will be held at the Putra World Trade Center in the event that full ceremonial Malay.

As a token of appreciation for the sacrifices Mighty, Awang dwarf the merely human, cancel the other events that give the commitment earlier Awang, merely to present Mighty even later let stand outside the hall. If Mahathir willing to return home early from the mission trip outside the country only to Mighty together, why do not we.

The Malay word in this, if we are too afraid and in accordance with the index finger of sedangpun erode the Malay.

Awang not type it.

Utusan Malaysia

Rewards trial voucher PM, wife

Rewards trial voucher PM, wife

KUALA LUMPUR, March 24 - Even the House of Commons week digemparkan the first shock, this shift Zulkifli Noordin (Independent Kulim-Bandar Baharu) is making political disclosure shook the country.

He claimed to have given lucrative offers by certain parties to associate the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the murder case of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Without exposing the parties, he said, between his duties is to obtain recognition from the Prime Minister's oath and his wife requested a letter other than sworn declaration that Najib and Rosmah involved in the massacre.

Zulkifli said the reward was offered to shake his faith, but so thankful that God protect them from defamation is involved with.

"For this reason I also withdrew from directly handling the case because of interference from third parties that cause impossible for me to continue to act professionally as a lawyer to defend the case.

"We need to remember Mudjiono October to October (be the companion) is willing to go to the rope hanging true if the Prime Minister and his wife are involved in the murder case because I believe very sure they will expose the matter if it is true," he said.

He stated that the current debate on the motion carrying you titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong at the House of Commons session today.

Last Wednesday, Zahrain Datuk Seri Mohamed Hashim (Independent-Bayan Baru) rocked the conference when the House of Commons' break tembelang 'Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to take over government plans relating Center '16 September'.

Zulkifli also asserted that, as Muslims of all parties should mean good or husnuzzan of Prime Minister.

"The Prime Minister has one year I made an oath denying his involvement and so far there among us who dare to swear denied.

"So, fellow suspect okay and we hold fast to the Quran. How we do not like slandered people, so too we should not malign others, "he said.

In the meantime, he said, he was very surprised how few who professed Islam but easily accuse a Muslim to another murder without any proof and evidence.

"The more unfortunate slander non-Muslims can be admitted as evidence without any further questions. People such as P. Balasubramanian has been received with fitnahnya just make an oath with the certificate payment RM4.

"However slander and accusations never raised CPP when giving evidence in court and to the police. To me he is only an opportunist who takes advantage of human greed bertopengkan devil, "he added.

At that conference the House, Zulkifli also revealed he had asked to associate the child to the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz Nadim named in a murder case around 2004.

"I do not forget around 2004, when I asked to associate the Honorable Padang Rengas use with Darren Kang murder cases where the child named Honorable Nadim ditohmah involved in the murder because the murder happened at the location.

"Meanwhile, five people, namely employees Thailand Restaurant Uncle Don in Sri Hartamas was later indicted, tried and certify guilty in the High Court of Kuala Lumpur. I have asked Nadim associate with them, "he said.

As benedictory, Zulkifli said, God once again saved from the trial.

He said, he has also directed and required to perform many things not right is not among dilaksanakannya.

"I take this opportunity to apologize to those who become victims of this dirty politics percaturan. I promise to meet with them personally to correct the situation, "he said.

Zulkifli reminded the parties not to put them in certain circumstances forced him to disclose the wrong behavior occurs.

"If I do so, a large explosion made by the Honorable Bayan Baru, Datuk Seri Mohamed Hashim Zahrain simply 'the quiet wind. Such political kotornya toys this time, "he added.